Cryptic Limericks about Astrology and the Zodiac

Limericks about Moses and the Exodus

When I’m not writing, and sometimes when I am, there’s no place I’d rather be than wandering through the mountains among the fields and forests, taking in the sights, sounds and scents of nature’s untainted glory. It’s an essential means to check in with the web of life and remember that deep connection we have with something more vivid than our digital devices.
May the forest be with you
Raised in the valleys and fed by the seas
Borne on the breeze with the birds and the bees
Gifted with birth
From the womb of the earth
My origins are not unlike those of the trees
Deep in the Woods
Meet with the faeries whose flowers are planted
Look to the treetops where sunlight is slanted
A waterfall rumbles
A mountain god mumbles
The forest I frequent is truly enchanted
Tune in to Receive
Time out and measure the many sensations
Breathe in the forest with deep inhalations
Notice the features
The sounds and the creatures
And slowly tune in to the subtle vibrations

Amusing limericks about nature
It’s easy to get so caught up in limericks that I start taking them too seriously. With that in mind, I took some time to get back to the natural tenor of the limerick, which is necessarily whimsical and irreverent.
Chicken Egg Controversy
There’s a story in which the T. Rex was involved
It’s out of this beast that our chickens evolved
Descended from creatures
One hatched with new features
So now the old riddle has finally been solved
The Secret Life of Swans
The swan is a bird who’s unhappy alone
They stick to each other like moss on a stone
The cob and his wife
Get married for life
But divorce rates among them are not fully known
Blind as a Bat
There’s a bat who flew off on vacation
And sought out the best destination
With criterion single
He echoed his signal
Location location location
There’s rumors of nature abhorring a vacuum
Deny if you’d rather but no one will back you
I’m also averse
As I know nothing worse
And I only mop floors when I have to
Nature’s Own Devices
Sometimes I get so swept away in the pageantry of nature’s own internal order and disorder, that I lose track of my poetic meter and allow a limerick to fall out of step.
Songs in the Wood
Cacophony of crickets on a spring afternoon
Wildflowers waving and humming a tune
When what do I hear
But a song in my ear
My good friend the magpie is joining me soon
Where the Wild Things Grow
A workshop I attended one summer in the Spanish Pyrenees carefully illustrated the teachings of one Masanobu Fukuoka. The Japanese farmer and philosopher has written and lectured extensively on a technique known popularly as “natural farming” or “do nothing farming”. The basic idea is to allow natural selection to run its course, so that weeds and local vegetation grow in harmony with cultivated crops. In this sense, the soils and habitat determine which plants will grow where, instead of forcing an unnatural, manmade order upon the land.
Fun With Fukuoka
The state of the planet is truly alarming
Conventional methods are hurting and harming
Find a solution
And fight the pollution
Grow closer to Gaia with natural farming
A Season for Everything
After spending the preponderance of my life in coastal California, living in the mountains of Europe has provided me with a profound appreciation for the cycles and rhythms of the seasons. The recurring order of birth, life, death and rebirth has so many spiritual lessons to offer us, from examples you might never see in the perpetual springtime of southern California.
Early Powder
The season’s first weather will leave an impression
In Father Sky’s favorite form of expression
By leaving light traces
On high mountain faces
With fairy dust sprinkled at Odin’s discretion
Magic Mountain
Sierra Cadí is the goddess I know
Her omnipotent face often capped with white snow
And yet from my home
No view to be shown
We must wonder and wander to witness her glow
Further Reading
If you liked these limericks about nature, feel free to chime in in the comments sections. You might also enjoy:
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