Cosmic Limericks about Indian Gods

Limericks about the Old Testament

If there’s anything I’m truly sure of, it’s that a small amount of absolute certainty can take you a long ways — in the wrong direction. Hopefully this series of limericks about skepticism, certainty and dogma can help us see things in a new light. To see through the thick and the opaque, beyond the promise of absolute knowledge, and into the realm of unanswerable mysteries.
When it comes to understanding the world around us, a little skepticism can be a very helpful thing. There are, after all, a lot of bad ideas out there. And when it comes to explaining the laws of the universe, I’m a big fan of using scientific methods to answer some of those pesky and troubling questions.
But when you suggest that science has eliminated the need for poetry, religion, or astrology, I’m not so sure. Of course, I’m not heading to an astrologer to fix a broken leg. But neither would I trust a neurologist to resolve my nagging case of chronic ennui. A handful of provocative limericks, on the other hand, might be just what we need to see us through.
Notes from the Skeptic Tank
There’s a skeptic I know who remains inconvincible
Certain that logic is something invincible
Loathe to accept
The secrets well kept
Unable to pinpoint the primary principle
Faith is Strong
We all worship something, some trope or idea
Maybe you cling to the Creed of Nicaea
Or do you prefer
What is solid and sure
And sleep without dreams on a bed from Ikea?
The invisible means of support that we seek
Lurk in the shadows of cloudy mystique
They whisper and touch us
And prop us like crutches
Provide us with courage like rum when we’re weak
Post Modern Angst
Psychoanalysis flattens your purse
But inner impoverishment does something worse
Conform to conventions
Ignore the big questions
As the road to enlightenment runs in reverse
Spiritual Avarice
Uplift your self through some new agey school
Their lectures and books will provide you the tool
To further your goal
And polish your soul
Like your very own precious and sparkling jewel
New Dogma Tricks
Hunting for masters whose truth will unlock us
Digging for dogma and someone to walk us
With bones of contention
Too many to mention
We’re chasing our tails in a circular fracas
Heir of the Dogma
The pages of dogma have opened my mind
With every last answer so easy to find
No if and or but
It’s open and shut
So follow my lessons or get left behind
Exalt the New Dogma
Mysteries be damned, we’ve solved them all currently
Science has given us uttermost certainty
Nothing can beat
The firm and concrete
But it’s boring as hell, if I may say so personally
Beware of Dogma
Pursue the ideal you wish to get close to
As purists advise against ways they’re opposed to
Sometimes instructions
Are merely corruptions
So always be wary of words like “supposed to”
Further Reading
If you liked these limericks about skepticism and dogma, you’ll be sure to enjoy: