Limericks about Seasons, Stars and Planets

Apophatic Limericks about the Unknowing and Ineffable

The search for ultimate truth can lead us down many strange paths into many puzzling mazes. And to arrive at a single, solid solution can bring great comfort after such an arduous spiritual journey. What a relief to come to rest with a singular god, the cause of all causes, the answer to all riddles.
But I fail to find it entirely satisfying. The idea that there’s just one right answer to the great cosmic mystery just doesn’t work for me. Whether it’s Yahweh, Muhammed or some other omnipotent Sky Daddy, the immovable foundation is no match for a lifetime of uncertainty.
The following series of limericks about monotheism will address some of the pros and cons of this definitive worldview. Although it’s not a perspective that I share, I do find it fascinating.
Paths of Glory
There’s more than one method to meet the divine
The road to salvation is not a straight line
Skeptics, recall
Worship no god at all
While the foolish insist that there’s no god but mine
Venus Envy
Before the beginning the goddess held sway
Till the sun rose for man and demarked a new day
Out with the system
Of dark lunar wisdom
So meet your new master, look up and obey
There’s a prophet who came from Medina
Where the tea tastes like lemon verbena
You can’t see his picture
But they follow his scripture
From Iran all the way to Burkina
The Legacy of Shepherds
There’s a wandering tribe with a ban on baloney
In the deserts of Hebron their sheep could get lonely
While others built towers
They pondered for hours
Inventing a god who’s the One and the Only
The Good Book
It’s no easy order obtaining the truth
Dredging through Daniel, Elijah and Ruth
If you find it inside
They’ll charge you with pride
Or question their creed and they call you uncouth
Many Rivers, One Sea
Follow the sages who bow to the lamb
Or leaf through the verses of Omar Khayyam
Transcend the banal
As you merge with the All
The timeless and boundless and single “I Am”
Narrow Perspectives
With so many options and answers concerning
The questions inside me that never stop burning
But others accept
Only one as correct
Erecting the ultimate barrier to learning
Further Reading
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- Limericks about the New Testament
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