When it comes to spiritual wisdom, it seems like the Indians pretty much invented it. Yoga, Meditation, Buddha, all can trace their origins back to the […]
Collections of limericks and poetry that invoke and promote all forms of traditional and new age spirituality.
When I’m not writing, and sometimes when I am, there’s no place I’d rather be than wandering through the mountains among the fields and forests, taking […]
Look to the stars and there’s no telling what you might see: a doorway to the universe, a window into the past, a reflection of the […]
Roses are red, and limericks underrated. I wrote one for you, but my Doberman ate it. When most people think of poetry, what they really think […]
According to legend, there was once a wise old bearded philosopher from China, by the name of Lao Tzu. Some time in the 6th century B.C., […]
Lord Buddha, great sage of the East, icon of mindfulness, avatar of compassion, he has so much to teach us about rightful living. The essential message […]