Answers to the most frequently asked questions about limericks The world of limericks is strange and mysterious. It’s a genre like no other. We all know […]
Collections of limericks and poetry that invoke and promote all forms of traditional and new age spirituality.
When it comes to spiritual wisdom, it seems like the Indians pretty much invented it. Yoga, Meditation, Buddha, all can trace their origins back to the […]
When I’m not writing, and sometimes when I am, there’s no place I’d rather be than wandering through the mountains among the fields and forests, taking […]
Look to the stars and there’s no telling what you might see: a doorway to the universe, a window into the past, a reflection of the […]
Roses are red, and limericks underrated. I wrote one for you, but my Doberman ate it. When most people think of poetry, what they really think […]
According to legend, there was once a wise old bearded philosopher from China, by the name of Lao Tzu. Some time in the 6th century B.C., […]