Mystics and gurus of India have been practicing yoga since around 3000 B.C. Sometimes I’m amazed by how popular the practice has become in Europe and […]
“Music,” says the English poet and playwright William Congreve, “hath charms to soothe a savage beast.” This famous and all-too-often misquoted line comes from the 1697 play, “The […]
When you take a closer look at western religion, the stories of the Old Testament in particular, what you’re really studying are the distant echoes of […]
There’s a popular urban legend that says the Germans have a word for everything. It’s a cute idea. Indeed, the German language has a whole lot […]
If you know me the way that people who really know me know me, then you know that I’m a man on a mission. And you […]
I’d like to start by thanking Doug, my colleague and comrade in rhymes, for bringing the OEDILF to my attention. That’s the Omnificent English Dictionary In […]