Outspoken Limericks about Civil Unrest

Holy Limericks about the Bible

It was summer vacation, and my daughter and I were spending a string of lazy days together. Some of it was what you might call homeschooling. Basically we were trying to stay out of trouble, and I was hoping she would learn something. That’s when we started brainstorming on this story idea and came up with “The Gardeners of the Galaxy“.
Mostly she thought up the storyline. I filled in the gaps, made some embellishments and resolved a few inconsistencies. It would mark the beginning of a great series of intergenerational collaborations.
The complete version of “The Gardeners of the Galaxy” will remain here on the website for a limited time. But eventually, I plan to publish it in a collection of shorts, as a paperback or an illustrated e-book, and make it available on my Amazon page.
The Gardeners of the Galaxy
Once upon a time on a planet called Mearth
Before the creation of what we call Earth
A family of aliens were sharing a snack
Sad that their planet was under attack
Alien One said to Alien Two
Our planet is dying, now what should we do?
Papa remembered his friend Dr. Fizzbang
Who invented the very first thingamajingjang
The professor can help us, let’s pay him a visit
He’s got a solution, let’s ask him: What is it?
In his shop Dr. Fizzbang was mixing up gasses
And smiled at his guest from behind his thick glasses
What’s up Dr. Fizz? Long time, no see
Remember those beans that you once showed to me?
Oh yes, my good friend, right here in this jar
The rest all got left on a faraway star
I think I’ve got seven or possibly eight
I suggest that you plant them before it’s too late
Now listen up kids, these aren’t regular seeds
But they grow into planets and not into weeds
And there future Mearthlings can prosper and thrive
More happy than anything ever alive
To the community garden, that same afternoon
They planted their seeds, not a moment too soon
In the jar were eight seeds, and one more that hid
A derelict dwarf that was stuck in the lid
The aliens placed them an inch below ground
Beside the romaine that had wilted and browned
That evening the rainclouds let out such a burst
That every seed sprouted, a little one first
One shiny and hot, then one nice and blue
A red one, a giant, a ringy one, too
Two cold and gassy, the last one quite small
And the Mearthlings were starstruck observing it all
Some were too cold and some were too hot
But one was just right and they liked it a lot
Further reading
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