For some of us, it’s no problem at all. But for others, the mind and the body are irreconcilably and forever at odds. I, for one, […]
One of the best-known and most widely read texts of the classical Hindu canon, the Bhagavad Gita tells the story of a young hero prince named […]
A legacy of licentious limericks lingers in the collective consciousness. But like any scarred psyche, the limerick is capable of so much more. The following collection, […]
The history of the limerick is something of a mystery wrapped in a wisecrack. Trying to determine who wrote the first limerick is a little like […]
Anyone who says metaphysics and erotica don’t mix is entitled to their own opinion. But the Ode to Ishtar shows that the two are inextricably connected. […]
These are dangerous times we live in. The two fastest growing religions on the planet are atheism and rabid fundamentalism. Meanwhile, mental illness has risen to […]