Recondite Limericks about German Philosophy

Limericks about Darkness and Sorrow

Taboo topics at the dinner table, religion and politics can bring even the brightest banter to a dismal finish. Neither rhyme nor reason nor poetry can rescue us from the current state of political discourse. But when it comes to tackling the most troublesome religious problems, there’s nothing like a punchy limerick to do the trick.
Some people like to lump every religious proposition into one heap and disregard the whole lot. But if you’re at all familiar with my perspective, you know I like to split hairs. I seek out the truth and the falsity in every idea. I look for the right and the wrong, knowing that they are often as inseparable as the salt and the sea.
The following set of limericks examine a range of religious stumbling blocks. Sometimes the problem lies in the belief, and sometimes it lies with the believer. And sometimes it’s just too oblique to nail down.
Paths of Glory
There’s more than one method to meet the divine
The road to salvation is not a straight line
Skeptics, recall
Worship no god at all
While the foolish insist that there’s no god but mine
The Good Book is something akin to the truth
With numerous cousins all under one roof
In one common goal
They aim to be whole
But wrestle each other by nail and tooth
The Irresistibility of the Unattainable
Though God lets us suffer we render him dear
Like the star-crossing lover we long to be near
The feeling is magic
But ever so tragic
When love’s unrequited but no less sincere
Brotherhood of Man
Last night I saw God and he spoke to me thus:
Why must you people all make such a fuss?
You pray for your nation
But I am Creation
So therefore we’re equal and they’re just like us
Even God can get lonely and need introspection
So He made in His image a means of reflection
Self conscious for sure
But not quite so pure
For Spirit needs flesh to achieve a connection
Transmigration of Souls
There’s a comforting concept of metempsychosis
The spirit moves on while the flesh decomposes
But the birth rate’s exceeded
So new souls are needed
And this is the number one problem it poses
Authorial Intent
When god wrote the Bible, he taught with benevolence
So many pages are fraught with ambivalence
The best revelations
Were lost in translations
But mostly mistakenly, not with malevolence
Theodicy of Dysfunction
Lord up in Heaven, pray tell me true
No parents or playmates and nothing to do
So you fashioned a world
Where evil is hurled
And suffering and pain are permitted by you
As sorrow grows worse and the rough becomes rougher
The struggle of living gets tougher and tougher
In want of relief
I question belief
If God is so loving then why must we suffer?
Further Reading
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