9 Penetrating Limericks about Dostoyevsky

Mythic Limericks about Heroes and the Hero’s Quest

From the earliest moments of human consciousness, our ancestors began telling stories to explain the origins of the universe and the creation of life as we know it. Prehistoric people described mythical snakes and dragons emerging from the primordial chaos and giving birth to the whole colorful spectrum of worlds and creatures.
In more recent millennia, we in Western Civilization have relied on the story of the great bearded Sky Daddy who created the world in six days and spent the seventh day resting. But for the last several decades, most educated people have decided to believe in the story of the Big Bang, discarding every previous legend of cosmology as superstitious foolishness.
Having something of an affinity for foolishness myself, I’ve decide to revisit these old creation myths, with the idea that they may have something to teach us after all. Seems to me that no matter which story you prefer, none can get around the fact the origin of existence is an irreducible mystery.
I hope these limericks about creation are sufficient to convey that sense of wonder.
Intrepid Design
Who made the stars and the moon and the seas
Ebbing and flowing with consummate ease
Levers and pulleys
Or holy of holies
Precision contraption or heavenly breeze?
For Starters
For eons the quasars have burned with endurance
To know how it started we have no assurance
The very first cause
Came before there were laws
So not even God can explain the occurrence
From humble beginnings of chaos and stew
The face of the deep observed one become two
The body confined
The limitless mind
Yet matter and spirit are hard to un-glue
Big Bang
Concerning the question of what happened first
The popular theory might not be the worst
Every planet and sun
In the cosmos were one
But what caused the singular bubble to burst?
Engine of Opposites
Creator of darkness and bringer of light
Producing by daytime, removing at night
Two sides are turning
With each of them churning
He takes with the left and he gives with the right
Speculative Mysticism
The source of existence deserves to be sought
It’s something I’ve stewed on and chewed on a lot
From nothing we sprang
Like a nebulous bang
From the great mind of God we appeared like a thought
Of Creators and Creation
In His very own image we too were created
Endowed with an impulse that longs to be sated
To take only nothing
And turn it to something
No doubt in my mind that We two are related
Marcion of Sinope
The Gnostics they knew of a second creator
One with a wrath and another much greater
In six days of strain
He devised the mundane
The eternal one actually showed himself later
Further Reading
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