Limericks about James Joyce and Ulysses

Limericks about Ancient Rome

Lord Buddha, great sage of the East, icon of mindfulness, avatar of compassion, he has so much to teach us about rightful living. The essential message of Buddhism tells us that life is suffering, and that suffering is the result of grasping and attachment to the illusory objects of the physical world, also known as Samsara. Release from suffering is possible through the Eightfold Path, consisting of right speech, right effort, right action, right mindfulness, and so on.
Gautama Buddha
There once was an Indian mystic
With musings conveniently cryptic
Nibbling on rice
He opened his eyes
And became evermore optimistic

The ultimate goal, enlightenment, is not easy for the ordinary practitioner to achieve. With luck, we might catch a glimpse of enlightenment at one time or another. But it’s not really about the goal; it’s about the process. You might not fully embrace your emptiness to become one with the big Buddha Mind, but if your practice makes you a kinder and gentler human being, then you can consider it a success.
The Passage
There’s a key to the wisdom arcane
Like a bridge between bless’d and profane
Completely entwined
In the big Buddha mind
Where the sacred respects the mundane
Just what are you hoping to find?
To advance you must empty your mind
There’s no need to search
Or belong to a church
Simply strive to patient and kind
The Uncarved Block
I feel like it’s better to listen than talk
And faster to run, though it’s wiser to walk
A field to be tilled
Or a cup yet unfilled
For this is the way of the unsculpted rock

Have you ever noticed how much laughing the Buddha does? He understands the importance of a good sense of humor. It’s essential that we don’t take our spiritual practice too seriously. Otherwise, the awakening could be too much to swallow.
Simple Gifts for Simple Minds
A potion they speak of in more than one subplot
Is known to cure blindness and sometimes a blood clot
I’m glad to have drunk it
But who woulda thunk it?
And now I’m in tune with the Big Buddha Whatnot
Eastern Outreach
All faith groups are worthy of careful assessment
Some that I’ve seen have achieved an advancement
But now I watch Ted Talks
And scroll through my inbox
Here’s one from the Buddhists, it has no attachment
If you like these limericks about Buddhism, you’ll also want to check out my Limericks about Yoga and Meditation, Limericks about Indian Philosophy, and Limericks about Taoism.

1 Comment
Love your attitude…and your limerick collection too!