Time is a haunting shadow, moving with us wherever we go. Like an iron leash, it drags us along, powerless to resist or escape.Unlike the other […]
Once upon a time, limericks spoke of nothing but dirty old men from Nantucket and private school instructors named Horatio. Appealing to the lowest common denominator, […]
I have to give credit to Joseph Campbell for opening my eyes to the polyvalent depths of mythology, religion and fairy tales. His groundbreaking Hero with […]
From the earliest moments of human consciousness, our ancestors began telling stories to explain the origins of the universe and the creation of life as we […]
Literary scholars generally agree that Dostoyevsky was one of the greatest novelists who ever lived. High school students may be skeptical of that assessment. But professors […]
The language of poetry is also the language of dreams. Sometimes convoluted, often inscrutable, they echo the voice of the subconscious mind. Speaking through feelings rather […]