Some say that limericks and mathematics go together like quantum mechanics and relativity, which is to say, not at all. But I beg to differ. I […]
A profession that we poets all too often overlook is that of the life scientist. The biologists, botanists, agronomists and organic chemists all get short shrift […]
When we speak of Rome, what comes to mind? We think of the Eternal City. We think of an Empire that brought the western world to […]
Lord Buddha, great sage of the East, icon of mindfulness, avatar of compassion, he has so much to teach us about rightful living. The essential message […]
Part of what got me into writing limericks was reading James Joyce, and immersing myself for nearly a year in his masterpiece of high modernism, Ulysses. […]
Nobody knows who wrote the first limerick, or why it’s named after a town in Ireland. And most people couldn’t give the technical definition of a […]