If there’s anything I’m truly sure of, it’s that a small amount of absolute certainty can take you a long ways — in the wrong direction. […]
When Westerners think of Indian religion, they tend to think of multiple gods with multiple arms and colorful accoutrements. This is not an inaccurate perception, but […]
After writing a thousand limericks about everything from Black Holes to the Bhagavad Gita, I have to reflect on my own relationship with the limerick. It’s […]
The Greeks have an old saying, “Gnothi seauton.” Which is just a fancy way to say, “Know thyself.” More valuable than all the objective facts in […]
We can sit and argue about the purpose of poetry until the sun stops rising. Just as we could ponder the meaning of life until shortly […]
From the days of the week to the the May Pole to the Christmas Tree, we owe so much to the legend weavers and myth makers […]