When in the course of human events it becomes necessary to write limericks about great figures in history, you can be sure that I will rise […]
If you ever see me sitting alone on a park bench, next to a trail, or in the bath tub, scribbling something on a scrap of […]
Real life poetry is based on real life, and the real life behind this poem is obviously that of my daughter’s. But her life is also […]
Complaining about the government is an art form as old as cave painting. But these limericks about politics in America take a fresh, new approach to […]
The limerick is a relatively simple form of poetry. It has five lines in which the first, second and fifth lines rhyme together; and the third […]
Anyone who’s ever watched a flower being pollenated will have a hard time resisting the temptation to write a series of limericks about gardening. Nowhere is […]