If you’re like most people, you may be spending a lot more time by yourself this month than you’re used to. And spending time with yourself can be a good thing. Although it might not always feel like a good thing. But if you use that time in quarantine or isolation wisely, it could be an opportunity for personal growth, and maybe these thoughtful limericks can help you with that.
Everyone I know is feeling overwhelmed with emotions right now, from anger and fear to boredom and frustration. And it’s important to recognize these feelings, which are entirely valid and natural. But it’s equally important to detach from these ardent sensations. Acknowledge them, and let them go. Learn to have those feelings without those feeling having you.
So much of the mindless consumerism that drives our society and our economy, in times of so-called normalcy, also serves to distract us from ourselves. Now, however, in the absence of those rousing diversions, we’re left stranded with our own thoughts. It reminds me of a line from a comic philosopher: “My mind is like a dark alley. I try not to go there alone.”
But if you can overcome that initial dread, it’s a chance pause and reflect, to bring thoughts and actions into harmony. It’s a time to avoid going out and meeting up, but rather to look in and reconnect. When externalities have you locked up, inner liberation is your one and only choice.
Ineffable Causation
Less than concrete but it’s more than a notion
The very strong sense of perpetual motion
And nobody knows
Where the energy goes
But the force that propels it has earned my devotion
In youth we face facts we’re not ready for knowing
In time the true features will all begin showing
A prize to be earning
For those who keep learning
The secret to wisdom is never stop growing
Standing Firm
The dark side is strong but its spirit is haunted
Tempting your senses with more than you wanted
On strength from within
You must never give in
As the soldier of truth presses onward undaunted
Trust in Thyself
Nothing is sacred, no object or book
Question the writings, let scripture be shook
Observe what you think
Over paper and ink
Just wander inside, you deserve a long look
Higher Appetites
Our race was awarded a wealth of awareness
A thirst for the truth and a hunger for fairness
A knack for reflection
And deep introspection
But genuine insights are still such a rareness
Inner Appraisal
Sometimes we judge ourselves far too severely
Or value our righteousness rather too dearly
How does one measure
His innermost treasure
God only knows, can you see yourself clearly?
King Tide Conjunction
Ten thousand things and I’ve tussled with each
Einstein in Hollywood Joyce on the Beach
Degrees of precision
From all forms of vision
And never a facet with nothing to teach
Further Reading
If you liked these thoughtful limericks, you’ll be sure to enjoy:
Who gets the five bucks?
The author.