The Wonder Twins

The Year 2020: A poetic retrospective

It has long been my dream, and probably always will be, to write a limerick that can save the world. But to save the world from what? If there’s anything from which poetry can save the world, it’s probably ignorance and selfishness. I’m not overly optimistic about rescuing anyone from ignorance, but I’ve already tried my best with my Limericks about Metaphysics and Limericks about Inner Voices.
Today I present this series of Limericks about Greed and Materialism in hopes of taking the first step in ridding the planet of this self destructive affliction. Before we can prescribe a cure, we first need to diagnose the disease. This form of mental illness, not uncommon among our species, is driving our planet to the verge of an environmental apocalypse. Not only that, but it’s tearing apart the fabric of society and community.
To liberate our race from the chains of selfish avarice will require nothing less than a global awakening. And if a treasury of limericks can’t do it, then I’m afraid I can’t help you.

Limericks about greed
Underwater Rat Race
Before racing upstream with the salmon
There’s a blunder we’d better examine
The price of your soul
Can’t be measured in gold
Yet our lives are devoted to Mammon
The Diabolical Bargain
To aggrandize the body the spirit is sold
For a few dirty pieces of ill-gotten gold
An unthinkable pain
For material gain
A story as ancient as any been told
Meeting Mephistopheles
A Faustian bargain produces results
Concerning the greed of consenting adults
But they suffer the cost
When their souls have been lost
And lightning comes striking in thunderous bolts
Go forth young apprentice and see what’s in store
Take all you can without asking what for
Just gather your stuff
It’s never enough
You’ll always be wanting a little bit more
The Modern Myth
Purpose and meaning are two things we need
Thus we are drawn to belong to a creed
But the spirit’s co-opted
When the dream we’ve adopted
Rewards and encourages trivial greed
Steinbeckian Sapience
The traits of success aren’t the ones you expect
For kindness and sharing deserve more respect
But meanness and greed
Produce riches indeed
As that which we prize comes from what we reject
Greedy Geckos
Silver comes easy to those without scruples
Cut a few corners and line up the loopholes
The law of survival
Says poison your rivals
And finish the race with a fist full of rubles
Decline of the West
Our standard of living has never been higher
You call it success and I call you a liar
Just look what’s in store
And you’ll always want more
When you’re stuck in a state of relentless desire

Further Reading
If you enjoyed these limericks about greed and materialism, please consider sharing the post or subscribing to the blog. You might also want to check out some of these popular articles.
- Poems and Limericks about Goethe and Faust
- Encouraging Limericks about Virtue
- Limericks about Skepticism
- Limericks about Dostoyevsky
- Serious Limericks: There once was an unsmiling rhymer
- Therapeutic uses of literature