Esoteric Limericks about the Bhagavad Gita

Love poems from lockdown: A work of fiction

Opinions are like armpits. Everybody has some, and they all stink. Far be it from me to challenge this precious pinch of folk wisdom, but this week I’m sharing a few controversial perspectives of my own. Although at least I’ve applied a touch of poetry, like a drop of patchouli, to soften the sting. As with patchouli, however, these limericks laced with social commentary might only be all the more acrid.
With everyone talking about Chat GPT, I of course had to chime in on the bristling topic of artificial intelligence. Not to do so would have been, well, inhuman.
Meanwhile, the ongoing culture clash in America just keeps getting hotter. And I don’t mean hot like Stormy Daniels. I mean hot like the barrel of an assault rifle waving frantically in the direction of a women’s health clinic.
Still, there’s no need to get all overheated. It’s the great diversity of ideologies that makes for such colorful discourse. So let’s keep calm and paint the nation with limericks.

With one side licentious and one evangelian
The order of law becomes more Machiavellian
And Babylon sings
As the pendulum swings
From Quixotic to outright Orwellian
In Georgia they come out to greet us
And hand us their god-fearing treatise
It’s well understood
That the living is good
So long as you’re only a fetus
In Sodom as well as Gomorrah
We tampered with fauna and flora
But consciousness tripped
On the digital script
When we opened the box of Pandora
On the legends of yore we’re dependent
Every fable has meanings attendant
Like a nightmare fulfilled
On the altar they’re killed
For the myth of the second amendment

Further Reading
If you relished these racy limericks with social commentary, you’ll be sure to enjoy:
- The King of Limericks on Amazon
- Poetry about bamboo
- Limericks about social justice
- Limericks about climate change