Angry Dan: Painting Limericks for the People

The Omnificent English Dictionary In Limerick Form

A big part of my mission as a poet and a limericist has been to change the way people think about limericks. Rather than chasing the tail of endless innuendo, my limericks bark up a different tree. They heel towards the esoteric and roll over though the metaphysical. And I hope my old doggerel can still learn a few new tricks.
Far more important than how people think about limericks are what we are thinking and doing about Climate Change. As awareness inches forward at a glacial pace, meaningful action still lags prehistorically behind. So this week’s series of limericks is dedicated to increasing consciousness and inspiring more responsible measures and behaviors. With cheerfully rhyming limericks, I try to maintain some sense of hope, while also realizing that we may have already turned the catastrophic corner of mass extinction.
Baby Steps
It’s time we switched over to solar
If not for the bears we call polar
Then think how the heating
Discourages breeding
It’s no longer safe for a stroller
Consumption be done about it?
The lungs of our planet are gasping
The forests don’t seem to be lasting
It’s hard to keep calm
As they clearcut for palm
So before you eat Nestlé try fasting
Up With Bamboo
There’s a grass with some vast versatility
And none can surpass its ability
Her growth rate’s astonishing
Meanwhile admonishing
Fossil fuels into futility

Shots and Prayers
We long to conjoin at the nexus
In search of the force that connects us
Compassion’s the way
But you might have to pray
Cuz they’re stockpiling ammo in Texas
Single Use Abuse
To make every seashore fantastic
We need to perform something drastic
Like pass a few laws
To prohibit the straws
That keep us all sucking on plastic
Keystone Flops
There’s a pipeline that must be reviewed
Moving billions of barrels of crude
But energy magnates
Claim industry stagnates
Unless the whole prairie gets screwed
Present and Accountable
Unless we find ways more sustainable
The future will not be attainable
And children will ask
Were we up to the task?
But our actions will not be explainable
Further Reading
If you enjoyed these thought-provoking, environmentally-sensitive limericks, please consider purchasing one of my books or subscribing to the blog. You might also want to check out some of these popular articles:
- Custom Limericks and Poetry Services
- Limericks about Apocalypse and Armageddon
- Limericks about Civil Unrest
- The History of Limericks from Shakespeare to Spirit Rock