Polyvalent Limericks about Polytheism

Metaphysical Erotica: Ode to Ishtar

The earth’s surface is about 75% water. Interestingly enough, the average human body is also about three-quarters water. Of course, we are not average humans. But putting that aside, it’s obvious that H2O plays a vital role in our earthly existence. You might even say it’s elemental to life as we know it.
I’m not the first poet to wax rhapsodic over the merits of moisture, but it is a topic I keep coming back to. Tapping into the well of Western wisdom, or dipping my toes into the pool of Eastern mysticism, we find water everywhere.
The following limericks about water plunge the depths in a new way. So join me as I bridge the gap from the sacred to the profane, from the highest mountain springs to the deepest oceans.
In the Flow
From the fountain of time we all dip
For each moment a succulent sip
Holding water in hand
Like an hour of sand
It will never succumb to your grip
Water Signs
The current of life always flowing
The river remains but the water keeps going
Escapes from your hand
Turning rocks into sand
Its secret is something worth knowing
Stand by the river, examine her course
Moving with steady unstoppable force
As the cycle goes round
The first drop can’t be found
And still we expect to uncover the source
Sea Worthy
The fishermen call on me now and again
Asking me whither this sailor has been
For six weeks at sea
Just my parrot and me
We followed the stars and the currents within
Lost Sailors
Odysseus, Ishmael, set sail on their own
Ungrounded, uncertain, on salt water foam
So see how they shift
In their vessels adrift
As the four winds deliver them light years from home
Deep Waters
Encountering Krishna in pools of perfection
In crystal clear waters of placid reflection
Beyond the aquatic
I prod the exotic
And gather my moods in a cosmic collection
Further Reading
If you liked these limericks about water, you’ll be sure to enjoy: