Limericks about Magic, Witchcraft and Alchemy

Numinous Limericks about God and Religion

Consumed by the daily enterprise of worldly survival, it’s easy to think of all the things we encounter as friends or foes, subjects or objects, threats or opportunities. To combat this divisive illusion, I’ve composed a handful of limericks about unity to express the intrinsic interconnectedness of all things.
By recognizing this singular bond, we come to understand that we are helping ourselves when we help others. Kindness to oneself and kindness to others are one and the same. And so the need for competition, envy and intolerance melts away.
Not to say that we are all identical and homogenous. Nor should we be. It’s more like a house with a billion windows, where each window offers a different view of the single source of light shining from within.

Good and Evil
All things on earth must receive affirmation
Evil and good are beyond separation
Let them all run their course
For we share the same source
We’re all the result of a single creation
Going for the One
Straighten your mizzen and steady your oar
Set sail for the hub of your centermost core
Arrive at the middle
Unravel the riddle
Return to the One and debark on the shore
To Bridge the Divide
Our spirits go swimming like drops in the sea
While our bodies are tied to point A or point B
If I had my druthers
I’d merge all the others
And close up the gap that divides you from me
By day we see creatures and objects distinct
Admire the living and mourn the extinct
But at night we resolve
As the boundaries dissolve
To be one with a world in which everything’s linked
Sum of our Parts
Picture a puzzle with eight billion pieces
Sisters and brothers and nephews and nieces
Separate, however
Belonging together
Connect them and see how the kindness increases
Childhood’s End
Detach from the source and in some sense your mother
Later connect with your self in the other
First there was leaving
And then there was cleaving
And now every soul is a sister or brother
Convergent Evolution
When envy and fear are decidedly done
And subject and object are taken as one
Free from the friction
And self-contradiction
Dissolve into everything under the sun
Many Rivers, One Sea
Follow the sages who bow to the lamb
Or leaf through the verses of Omar Khayyam
Transcend the banal
As you merge with the All
The timeless and boundless and single “I Am”
Timeless Clarity
Deep in the recess of non-dual thinking
With vision so clear that there’s no need for blinking
The time standing still
Like a rock on a hill
And the present expands while the future is shrinking

Further Reading
If you liked these limericks about unity, you’ll be sure to enjoy:
- Limericks about Metaphysics
- Limericks about the Bhagavad Gita
- Limericks about Existentialism
- What is a limerick?