Pandemic Poetry: A year to remember

Pithy Aphorisms from the King of Limericks

It seems that most people who try their hands at limericks prefer looking to the day’s top headlines, the latest social media memes, or the recesses of their most salacious fantasies to find inspiration. So maybe I’ve been going about it all wrong. It’s not that I’m categorically opposed to monitoring current events or pursuing the pleasure principle. I just find that Carl Jung gives me more to chew on.
In my long years of scribbling limericks on the backs of envelopes and liquor store receipts, I’ve dabbled in dirty drivel and political pillories. But eventually, I always circle back to Archetypal Psychology and the Collective Unconscious.
Nothing provides a richer source material for a series of limericks than Jungian Depth Psychology. The Collected Works touch on topics as worthwhile and diverse as the tripartite soul, the sublimation of the ego, the retrieval of the shadow, and God’s answer to Job. Certainly, these subjects deserve to be explored. And what better way than through limericks?
For deciphering dream signals, comparing religious attitudes, and examining the seat of the authentic Self, Dr. Jung always does me right. Whether we’re parsing out the interdependent elements of the personality or working our way through the esoteric stages of inner alchemy, Jungian psychology never fails to bring forward something meaningful. So I hope you have as much fun reading these limericks as I had writing them.
Partial Eclipse of the Heart
Spirit today is confined behind fences
Overshadowed by science occluding our senses
A matter of treason
From overmuch reason
Conforming to only the concrete consensus
The Lost Language
Clever ones always have answers it seems
On how to build engines and fortify beams
But the subtle reward
Is often ignored
I speak of the wisdom disguised in their dreams
Self Actualization
I once met a man who was less than a man
So rattled by fear that he never began
In need of approval
And ego removal
Let’s aim to do more with our selves if we can
Question Everything
Believe in your self, but beware what you know
Just a fragment of doubt will allow you to grow
Draw back the curtain
On all that’s uncertain
And open your mind to a dazzling show
Come and get it
The future is coming, approaching as planned
Erasing the present like words in the sand
But remember your dreams
Resolve the extremes
And the wisdom of life shall be at your command
Faith is Strong
We all worship something, some trope or idea
Maybe you cling to the Creed of Nicaea
Or do you prefer
What is solid and sure
And sleep without dreams on a bed from Ikea?
The Shadow Knows
A saboteur lingers outside in the cold
But the curse that he carries is greater than gold
It’s worse to deny it
So why don’t you try it
Invite him and welcome him into the fold
Prima Materia
Because the philosophers’ mysteries found me
The cycles of nature began to astound me
When something debased
Returns from the waste
The everyday alchemy circles around me

Further Reading
If you enjoyed these limericks about Jungian psychology, please consider sharing the post or subscribing to the blog. You might also want to check out some of these popular articles:
- Poetry about Melville and Jung
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