Amazing Limericks about Inner Wisdom

Soft-Spoken Limericks about Soul Searching

If you want to find the truth, the one and only truth that’s true for you, there’s only one place to look: inward. This set of limericks about introspection takes a close look at what we can find when we strive to look inside. It’s not always pretty, and it’s rarely ever easy, but it’s a necessary step for the evolution of consciousness.
The Inner Light
She who searches is he who brings
The answer inside from whither it springs
Who studies himself
Discovers the wealth
And knows in her bosom the ways of all things
The Inner Ineffable
I wrestle with something in darkness alone
Search every corner and turn every stone
For books that can name it
And methods to tame it
This part of my person might never be known
Know Thyself
A wisdom beyond words awaits in the offing
Dig deep for the truth and you’ll find it’s exhausting
Go quarry your mine
It’s well worth your time
A life unexamined’s like cake without frosting
Inner Appraisal
Sometimes we judge ourselves far too severely
Or value our righteousness rather too dearly
How does one measure
His innermost treasure
God only knows, can you see yourself clearly?
Higher Appetites
Our race was awarded a wealth of awareness
A thirst for the truth and a hunger for fairness
A knack for reflection
And deep introspection
But genuine insights are still such a rareness
Trust in Thyself
Nothing is sacred, no object or book
Question the writings, let scripture be shook
Observe what you think
Over paper and ink
Just wander inside, you deserve a long look
The purposeless person is dull and demeaning
Guilty of wilting and languidly leaning
No rhythm or rhyme
Just whiling his time
So go find a project to give your life meaning
Step back from yourself and detach from your thought
Look down from above like a blue cosmonaut
Observing what’s true
And authentically you
Retain what is real and release what is not
Further Reading
If you liked these limericks about introspection, you’ll be sure to enjoy:
- Limericks about Inner Voices
- Limericks about Inner Wisdom
- Limericks about Soul Searching
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