Limericks about Moses and the Exodus

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When it comes to spiritual wisdom, it seems like the Indians pretty much invented it. Yoga, Meditation, Buddha, all can trace their origins back to the Asian subcontinent, between the sparkling waters of the Indus and the Ganges.
As I write this, I realize that no prelude could do anything but strip the holy Indian scriptures of their subtle brilliance. A hundred versions of this introductory paragraph, and each would have to be annihilated like the coarse and clumsy ego that blocks our path to true enlightenment and unity with the One.
So without further ado, let us merge in harmony with the following half dozen limericks.
Atman is Brahman
The Self was at peace till it spoke the word “I”
Which severed its tie with the earth and the sky
And each of those things
From which each of us springs
Because us versus them is a venomous lie
Convergent Evolution
When envy and fear are decidedly done
And subject and object are taken as one
Free from the friction
And self-contradiction
Dissolve into everything under the sun
The Sacred Syllable
A chant from within and the silence is broken
Notice the pineal gland has awoken
Releasing resistance
To merge with existence
We all become one when the Om has been spoken
The God Within
On matters religious most men are at odds
That Jesus is Lord a fair share bet their wads
A heavenly creature
With every man’s feature
And ergo it follows all men must be gods
The End Times
Mankind advances through uneven stages
The path of our species foretold by the sages
Accept the decay
Prevailing today
Come forth, Kali Yuga, the darkest of ages
Further Reading
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