The Future of Religion: Stages of Consciousness in the Mandala

Archetypal Dimensions of Kermit the Frog

Whether the earth is on the verge of an apocalyptic collapse is difficult to say. Of course, a large contingency of American voters and elected officials will maintain that the entire concept of manmade Climate Change is just an elaborate hoax being perpetrated by an enormous conspiracy of freedom-fearing scientists.
But I, for one, accept the consensus of the scientific community. I also recognize the evidence of consumer waste and toxic pollution that I’ve seen with my own eyes.
Writing limericks about Global Warming, pesticides, single-use containers and hunting without a license is one way to get the word out. But after you’ve shared these limericks with a dozen of your closest friends, there are even more important steps you can take.
Please start using reusable produce bags, walk or bike whenever possible instead of driving, and avoid single use plastic straws and utensils at every opportunity. If not for yourself, then do it for your children. And if you don’t have children, then do it for mine. Thank you.
The Gift of Gaia
For the future there’s hope if we act now and plan it
Let’s weed out the leeches denuding our planet
The skies are being browned up
And glutted with Roundup
Yet Earth sustains life so don’t take Her for granite
Earth Balance
Mother Nature’s uneasy, the gods are displeased
The state of our planet is sorely diseased
Food chains are breaking
And people keep taking
While Gaia the life-source is violently squeezed
Predatory Blues
There once was a man who was known to be strong
He killed a wee bird and he ended its song
In the sorrowful silence
Engendered by violence
It’s certain that someone or something went wrong
The Human Scourge
Mankind is in need of a better direction
Consuming and killing with savage perfection
Where lies the answer
To this bipedal cancer?
And what can be done to contain the infection?
Winds of Change
There was once an iniquitous breeze
Blowing garbage with consummate ease
As Styrofoam floated
I carefully noted
How quickly it grew on the trees
Sky Lines
The jets overhead keep on climbing
While scientists argue their findings
They’ll fill you with fear
Unless you steer clear
Of chem trails with mercury linings
Earth in Peril
Old humans once honored their planet
It seems now they take it for granite
But the Earth’s plenty strong
She’ll heal before long
Global warming can’t kill us — or can it?
Further Reading
If you liked these limericks about environmental issues, you’ll be sure to enjoy:
- Limericks about Nature
- Limericks about Bamboo
- Limericks about Life Sciences
- Limericks about Climate Change
- 8 Common questions about limericks