Earth-Shattering Poetry about Cosmology

9 Penetrating Limericks about Dostoyevsky

The language of poetry is also the language of dreams. Sometimes convoluted, often inscrutable, they echo the voice of the subconscious mind. Speaking through feelings rather than reason, our dreams reveal the depths of our fears and the boundlessness of our imagination.
Some commentators simply discard the contents of our dreams as the daily refuse of a busy mind. But many psychologists—as well as non western cultures—consider the content of our dreams to be far more honest and meaningful than the ego driven thoughts and ideas of our waking life.
As a poet, I look to dreams for inspiration, finding a window into the deeper wisdom that ordinary words are unable to express.
Limericks about dreaming
The Lost Language
Clever ones always have answers it seems
On how to build engines and fortify beams
But the subtle reward
Is often ignored
I speak of the wisdom disguised in their dreams
By day we see creatures and objects distinct
Admire the living and mourn the extinct
But at night we resolve
As the boundaries dissolve
To be one with a world in which everything’s linked
Forgotten Dreams
Spirits today are resigned to the shadows
Obscured by the clouds and confined by the pharaohs
For one kind of truth
You need absolute proof
But I trust the visions we find on our pillows
Come and get it
The future is coming, approaching as planned
Erasing the present like words in the sand
But remember your dreams
Resolve the extremes
And the wisdom of life shall be at your command
Verified Vigilance
Some dreams, they tell us, will never come true
Some visions our demons will always undo
But don’t be misled
By the fiends in your head
Keep faith in the voice of the Never Untrue
Being and Nothing
Some things are different and others are not
Separate or one with the whole cosmic lot
But the Being supreme
Is a bit like a dream
Where something and nothing are tied in a knot
Existential Intransigence
Escaping existence I pen my next rhyme
Ignoring the boundaries of being and time
The surface, I skim it
Resisting its limit
To find myself drifting in dreamspace divine
Another poem about dreams
It should be obvious by now that I have an affinity for poetry that leans towards the lyrical. But once in a while I dabble in free verse.
Give in to Darkness
Close your eyes and retreat
From the cruelty of the day
Surrender yourself to slumber
Let the Sandman cast his spell
Drop the curtain dim the lights
And venture backstage
Sink beneath the surface
Fade into the realm irrational
Gaze into the looking glass
To perceive your oneiric reflection
And discern a different sort of truth
From the message seldom heard
As other voices have their say
Cryptic epistles delivered in the darkness
Further Reading
If you liked these poems and limericks about dreams, you’ll be sure to enjoy: