I'm FredHornaday
I'm committed to the democratization of philosophy, and to the idea that limericks can deliver something more enriching than just dirty-minded double entendre.
At King of Limericks, I'm not afraid to mix lyrical humor with timeless mythology, discerning psychology and visionary spirituality.

Expert in my Field
Twice as poetic as Ahab was nautical
Working with limericks I’m always methodical
More than overt with it
Now I’m quite sure of it
Someday I’ll run in a fine periodical
My first foray into the field was the carefully researched and educational "Encyclopedia of Limericks", which served as a kind of a springboard to my far more personal anthology, "The Tao of Fred".
With this project I learned to engage with the writing process as a nourishing form of meditation, deciphering the deepest philosophical mysteries and repackaging them into tightly rhyming, strictly metered, five-line aphorisms.
I hope you'll find these mindful morsels both enlightening and accessible.

The Ride of Your Life
You exit this world as you enter: alone
Charging ahead on a path of your own
Single but bound
To the world all around
A party of one on a little blue stone

A way with words
When not scribbling limericks on the backs of old napkins, Fred Hornaday works as a bamboo specialist, author, and consultant. He has written several hundred articles for his website, Bambu Batu, and produced over a hundred educational YouTube videos.

Directory of Bamboo Species
BambuBatu.com, August 2024
Bamboo and Carbon Sequestration
BambuBatu.com, July 2020
Entering Spain in time of pandemic
BambuBatu.com, June 2020
New Education: A Year Without a Principal
PurelyPacha.com, January 2019
How affiliate marketing is killing the internet
Medium.com, January 2019
Bamboo symbolism in mythology and folklore
BambuBatu.com, December 2018
The Story of Branding
PurelyPacha.com, October 2018
Global Citizenship
PurelyPacha.com, June 2018
A Great Flood is All Around Us
Tao Of Fred, December 2016
The Wookiee and the Whale
Tao Of Fred, January 2016
Better Living with Star Wars
Tao Of Fred, May 2014
Out of Joint
The New Times, June 2005
Enjoy my work?
Drop me a line!